Real Property Management Metro

Keeping Pests Out: Rodent-Proofing Your Columbia Rental Home

When detrimental pests descend upon a rental home, they can lead to all sorts of difficulties for the residents as well as the landlord. Rodents are a certain issue in the wintertime because as the climate goes cold, they are searching to discover a warm dwelling to settle and a stable food source. Our homes normally have both, setting them into an enticing allurement for mice, squirrels, rats, or other pests.

Keeping pests out of your Columbia rental homes can be a responsibility, but there are some fundamental fixes that can go a long way toward having your rentals rodent-free. To name a few, it’s imperative to eradicate food supplies that could invite uninvited rodents. Pet food, birdseed, grass seed, and fallen fruit from trees have to be cleaned up or stowed in hard plastic cases with closed lids.

Another main job to deter rodents is to enclose all impending entry paths near the home’s foundation, eaves, and soffits. Any cracks or hollows should be stuffed with steel mesh, caulk, or plaster, and looked at constantly to maintain the plasters in one piece. Soaking cotton balls with peppermint oil and setting them in spaces where rodents may penetrate has also been conveyed to perform well and this scheme leaves a wonderful odor.

If you are compelled to render pest control to your residents (countless states do not compel landlords of single-family homes to render pest control to find out to your local statutes) and natural methods aren’t breeding the pests outside, you may want to shift to traps or commission an exterminator to carry out the burden. Surely, exhausting traps, poisons, or other dealings put noteworthy dangers to residents and their pets if not harnessed precisely and accurately.

As a landlord, putting rodent-proofing to your extended list of winterizing tasks may seem like one substantial accountability too many. It can be problematic to commit to memory to scout the foundations and eaves of each property, as well as survey the household for its wielding of future pest-attracting food sources.

You could do it all yourself, or you can call Real Property Management Metro instead. We present thorough property management programs that combine checking and retaining the stature of your property to get the rodents out and your residents gratified. Keep your rental properties rodent-free all winter by phoning our team of professionals today! Contact us online or call us at 443-718-9832 today and learn about all of our property management services.