Real Property Management Metro

Get Your Home Ready for Spring: 10 Tips for Renters

The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer – it’s ultimately time to begin preparing your Columbia rental home for spring! As a renter, knowing what you can do to formulate your home for the warmer months ahead is necessary. In this blog post, we will be offering 10 tips to help you prepare your rental property for spring. Keep reading to learn more!

  1. Check for leaks and water damage. Whether or not this season brings us rain this year, spring is the ideal time to check your home thoroughly for water leaks and damage. Look around the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room for indications of moisture or discoloration on the walls, floors, and ceilings. It’s likewise a wonderful idea to check your faucet, inside vanity cabinets, and around the base of each toilet. If you find signs of a leak, contact your Columbia property manager as soon as possible.
  2. Clean the window screens. Dust, pollen, and other airborne particles can easily collect on window screens, so spring is a great time to clean them extensively. Start by removing any screens and wiping down the windowsills with a damp cloth. Rinse the screens with a garden hose and allow them to dry before replacing them in the windows. Just remember to clean only the screens you can reach safely.
  3. Test and service your HVAC system: Before the start of summer, keep in mind to test and service your rental property’s air conditioning and heating systems. A good landlord will plan routine HVAC maintenance for you, but if yours doesn’t, now is the time to ask! Regular HVAC maintenance will aid in ensuring that your rental home stays at the perfect temperature throughout the changing months of spring and summer.
  4. Check for pest damage: Once the temperature begins to warm up, you may well watch for signs of any unwanted pests entering your rental home. Inspect around windows, doors, vents, and other openings for any indications of subtle holes or gaps, as these can provide easy access for bugs and rodents. If you do, get in touch with your property manager right away.
  5. Plant some flowers: Add a splash of color to the exterior of your rental home this spring by planting some flowers! Consider what kinds of flowers will be best suited for the rental property’s current climate and soil type, and research which flowers are best to keep away common pests. Then, create a colorful display of your favorites to help give your home a taste of spring.
  6. Replace smoke detector batteries: Check all the smoke detectors around your rental property – spring is a great time to replace any old batteries if needed. This will guarantee that your rental home is always safe in a fire emergency. If this is a job your landlord generally looks after, remind them to schedule it!
  7. Clean out closets and drawers: With winter ending, it’s time to take a break from those heavy layers! Now is the perfect opportunity to take inventory of what you own and donate or recycle anything that you don’t need anymore. If you haven’t worn something in at least a year, it may be time to donate it.
  8. Clear debris from patios and decks: Winter can be hard on rental property’s outdoor spaces. Clear away any fallen leaves, twigs, branches, and other debris from your rental home’s patios and decks for a clean look in the spring.
  9. Clean sliding window and door tracks. If you have any sliding windows or doors in your rental home, spring is the perfect time to give the tracks they glide on a good clean. During winter, dust, and grime can build up in window and door tracks, creating poor functionality. To keep everything working properly, use a damp cloth and a small brush to remove dirt and debris from the tracks. Then use a vacuum or compressed air to get into the tight spaces. If your rental home’s sliding windows and doors seem stuck, apply a light lubricant to the tracks.
  10. Check lighting fixtures: Spring is a wonderful time to inspect all of your home’s light fixtures and replace any broken bulbs or burnt-out lights. Consider switching out any old-fashioned bulbs for LED ones – they’re more efficient and last longer, cutting down on electricity costs!

By following these 10 tips, you’ll soon be ready for the warmer months ahead. But in every season, keep up with regular maintenance to keep your rental home beautiful and comfortable all year round.


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